Natasha Lampard

Natasha Lampard

NZ Pacific Studio has awarded Natasha 'Tash' Lampard (Whakatōhea, Ngāpuhi, Pākehā) the inaugural Te Ao Te O Pūkeko Residency for tangata whenua creatives. Te Ao Te O Pūkeko is the name of the rural property in West Taratahi, Wairarapa, where Natasha will be in residence.

During her two-week residency in April 2023, Tash will work on 'Mother Tongue', her manuscript on motherhood, loss, and language/identity, and will engage with Hurunui-O-Rangi Marae. On Earth Day, 22 April, she will give a reading of Mother Tongue at the Hurunui O Rangi Room, Carterton Events Centre. (Read excerpts of her manuscript here and here.)

Tash is co-founder and director of Webstock, co-founder of Lil Regie, and creator of Extraordinary Tales of Strength & Daring. She was a 'Women of Influence Award' finalist, a Gold Award finalist, and an ‘Inspire Wellington Ambassador’ for her services to Pōneke.

A graduate of the International Institute of Modern Letters (IIML) at Te Herenga Waka Victoria University, she was awarded a Master of Arts in Creative Writing with Distinction. She is also the recipient of the Letteri Family Project Scholarship and has been published in Headland, Turbine Kapohau, and The Spinoff.

NZ Pacific Studio extends its gratitude to Gaye Sutton & Michael Woodcock for their sponsorship & hosting, Rawiri Smith & Hurunui-o-Rangi Marae for their community support, and Trust House Foundation for assistance. It takes a village to offer a residency!

Gaye and Michael also helped develop the kaupapa of the residency - visit here.

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