In 2019, NZ Pacific Studio welcomed 12 artists/writers/musicians from 6 countries.
- offered several free community activities,
- recruited 2 new Board members,
- transitioned from our facility at Mt Bruce,
- developed a network of wonderful hosts in Wairarapa who offer accommodation & hospitality for our artists,
- secured a new Carterton District Fellowship,
- and we're offering other Fellowships in 2020 - ANZAC Bridge (application deadline 22 Jan), Ema Saiko (Poetry), Music, RAK Mason, and Masterton District and Tararua District Fellowships.
Photo: Carriage clock made by Christopher Burton, in whose homestead NZ Pacific Studio was based from 2001-2018.Posted: Wednesday 8 January 2020 -
Application deadline - 22 January 2020.
The focus for 2020 is the Mounted Rifles and the horses that went to war.
This Fellowship has been offered annually since 2006.Posted: Monday 23 December 2019 -
Thank you to the Wairarapa Times Age for publishing this feature story on New Zealand Pacific Studio -- with Sue Wootton, Jackie Davis and other recent residents, recent hosts, and recent activities in the community.
Follow this link to read the article:
(Pictured, L to R:
Authors and NZPS residents Sue Wootton and Jackie Davis,
with NZPS Board Member Jan Gerritsen,
at a public event at Masterton District Library in October)Posted: Wednesday 20 November 2019 -
Applications are now open: deadline is 2 August 2019.
The 3-week Fellowship honours Japanese poet and painter Ema Saiko (1787-1861) who dedicated herself to, and developed, a poetic form centred on the discovery and unfolding of a rich intellectual and artistic life connected to the physical environment. Saiko was acutely attuned to the daily and seasonal transformations of the natural world.
Please apply at the link below:Posted: Monday 1 July 2019 -
NZ Pacific Studio offers two 3-week Masterton Fellowships for two individuals (who can work separately or collaboratively) with thanks to the generous support of the Masterton District Council.
A community outreach component must be offered as part of the application.
The 3-week residency must be completed before 31 March 2020.Posted: Sunday 30 June 2019 -
With thanks to a generous sponsor from the Wairarapa community, the 2019 RAK Mason Fellow will live in a self-contained cottage hosted by people with an interest in supporting the arts.
The purpose of this RAK Mason Fellowship is to encourage creativity, to explore the different literary forms or genres and their potential, and to honour one of New Zealands foremost writers, RAK Mason (1905-1971), with his intense energy, commitment to literature, and his interest in the ways different literary forms inform each other.
Deadline: 1 August 2019 (midnight NZ time)
Photo of RAK Mason by Colin Firth, 1947.
Apply at the link below:Posted: Sunday 30 June 2019 -
JAZZ / BLUES FELLOWHIP (inaugural year, 2019)
NZ Pacific Studio invites applications from accomplished musicians in the blues/jazz genre for a 2-week fellowship, the inaugural Jazz/Blues Fellowship.
A condition of the Jazz/Blues Fellowship is to prepare for a concert, the proceeds of which will fund the next years fellowship. Local musicians can be available as required for backing and your application should indicate your requirements for additional musicians and equipment.
The Fellow must undertake the residence before 1 December 2019 (and ideally between 15 October and 30 November 2019).
The Fellowship is made possible through a donation from the winding up of the assets of the Cross Creek Blues Club.
Application deadline: 1 August 2019
Apply at the link below:Posted: Sunday 30 June 2019 -
NZPS is delighted to announce the 2019 ANZAC Bridge Fellow.
Karen Wrigglesworth is a Whanganui-based writer of non-fiction, short stories, plays and long-form fiction. She has a degree in mechanical engineering, and enjoys writing stories about technical subjects for adults and children. Karens writing has been published in New Zealand and overseas, and she has won a number of awards for her work. Karen was also a Writer in Residence at NZ Pacific Studio in 2015.
Karen will be in residence in Kaiparoro, Tararua, for 3 weeks leading up to ANZAC Day.Posted: Tuesday 2 April 2019 -
New Zealand Pacific Studio and Friends of ANZAC Bridge invite applications for a 3-week residency during the ANZAC Day period - project proposals must include a community participation component. This opportunity is sponsored by Trust House Community Enterprise, Masterton.
Applications close midnight 19 January 2019
View Call-out details on:-Posted: Tuesday 11 December 2018 -
Artists/writers working in any media and located in New Zealand or abroad are invited to apply for a three-week supported residency with New Zealand Pacific Studio. The 2019 Tararua Fellow will be in residence for three weeks from 5 April finishing on 26 April 2019 along side the ANZAC Bridge Fellow.
The purpose of this fellowship, sponsored by Tararua District Council, is to tell one or more of the stories of the Tararua District that is in the lower eastern side of the North Island.
See application details on: -Posted: Tuesday 11 December 2018 -
Posted: Monday 8 October 2018
We are delighted to present the Opening of the 2018 International Film Festival at Regent 3 Cinemas, Masterton. This is a great event with drinks and nibbles served from 7.15pm, then the movie starts at 8pm. Tickets availble at the thertre or by phoning 3771359. Be quick - the opening is usually a sellout event!!!Posted: Friday 10 August 2018
Join two international dance/video artists currently in the Wairarapa for an afternoon of dance and film at ARATOI. Sunday 8th July, 2-3pm.
Both artists are in residence at New Zealand Pacific Studio, an international residency centre in Mount Bruce, founded in 2001.Posted: Monday 2 July 2018 -
Everyone is invited to our Open Studio Day.
Sunday afternoon, 24th June 2018 from 2 to 5 pm.
Art, conversation and refreshments with:
Singer song writer, Sarah Dill, USA/NZPS Mt Bruce;
Lavinia Winter Fellow - Poet/Writer/Dancer, Mya Cole, Auckland;
RAK Mason Fellow - Creative Writer/Poet, Melanie Carter, USA/Cairo;
Visual Artist - Farzana Nondini, Bangladesh;Posted: Monday 18 June 2018 -
Thursday 28th June 6.30 - 8.30pm - Lead by singer songwriter Sarah Dill and creative writing instructor / 2018 RAK Mason Writing Fellow Melanie Carter. Join us at the Masterton Library, 54 Queens Street, for this creative workshop.Posted: Monday 18 June 2018
NZPS is delighted to announce the 2018 Masterton Fellow, Jhan Lindsay, Wellington based musician, composer and teacher.Posted: Saturday 16 June 2018
NZ Pacific Studio is delighted to announce our 2018 Lavinia Winter Fellow, Mya Cole, Multimedia Artist from Auckland NZPosted: Friday 8 June 2018
NZPS has pleasure in announcing our 2018 RAK Mason Writing Fellow, Melanie Carter USA/Cairo. Melanie will be in residence in JunePosted: Tuesday 29 May 2018
Time to apply for your winter residency - applications close 30 June 2018Posted: Saturday 26 May 2018
We are delighted to announce NZPS Inaugural Clelia Burton Fellow - We will be welcoming Caitlin to NZPS in August.Posted: Saturday 26 May 2018